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This Week at Spring Street: Creatures and Skeletons

Hello, families! We’ve been lucky enough to have some great weather lately so most

of these photos were taken outside. The children are still quite fascinated with all

sorts of animal creatures and especially insects. There are so many different kinds to

be found on the playground at the moment and the children routinely tell a teacher

that they just spotted a roly-poly, ant, ladybug, bee, or spider (to name a few I can

think of from the top of my head). We also noticed that the bug hotels are now

homes for many ants and a few spiders (we couldn’t see within the depths of the

hotels and I wasn’t sure I wanted to!).

Last week I brought in a few items to show the class that I thought they’d enjoy.

They included two different kinds of moths, a white eggshell from a wild bird, a

mouse skeleton, and a baby turtle shell. Look at their faces as they check out these

things (especially the skeleton!).

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